Thesis 1.3.8 – Review

Prior to today, we had been using “Pagelines”  for developing some of our wordpress themes including this site… Today we installed Thesis from

I must admit, what took me a day and a half to create in Pagelines took me 2 hours using Thesis.  Thesis is highly customizable, feature rich and easy to use.

Now the RWSDev Team is not afraid to hack away at the code and css of a wordpress site, but I was surprised at how very little of that I had to do in order to recreate our theme using Thesis.

Some of the features included are:

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Faster page load times
  • Maximum readability to engage and hold your reader’s attention
  • Point-and-click design and font controls

… and for only $164 for a developer license and $40 for a client site license after that, you can’t go wrong.  Not to mention that with the developer license you get to use Thesis on all the site that you own!

If you need a custom WordPress site, don’t hesitate to contact us either – we can customize or create a theme that will impress both you and your customers.
